Lauren got the scare of her life when Morgan accidentally left the fireplace in our living room on after I told her not to mess with the switch that turns it off and on. I heard a scream from Lauren while I was in the kitchen and it was not a scream of delite. She had placed her hand on the glass to support herself because it is a see through fireplace and she was looking through it. I was trying to run her hand under cool water, but she was fighting me the whole time. I got some burn cream and wrapped her hand in gauze to keep it clean and from her putting it into her mouth. Luckily she left it on, but kept trying to shake her hand off to get it to stop hurting. She cried for over an hour. I felt so bad. This is what it looked like the next morning. I didn't realize she had burnt her fingers so badly too. Poor thing!
Howdy Spring
1 year ago
How sad! Poor baby fingers. It's the worst when you know how painful burns are and how Lauren was feeling :(
I guess Morgan has learned her lesson about the fireplace.
You would hope so, but unfortunately Lauren hasn't learned her lesson about fireplaces.
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