Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cedar City and Fun

We just got back, Sunday, from a visit with Laura and Adam in Cedar City. Mom and Dad tagged along and we all had a blast! We got to see Laura and Adam's apartment and how cutely decorated it is! They were the perfect host and hostess! We all ate very well and were always on the go! One of the things we did was take the three oldest girls on a hike south of Cedar City. Sorry, I can't remember the name of it, but it was fun and the girls, especially Shannon, were troopers because this was not an easy hike for little ones!

It started out easy and then we started to follow a creek up into a canyon that turned into a slot canyon. There was a rather unstable ladder (if you could call it that) that we had to climb up and that was an adventure in of itself!

Our destination was a natural waterslide that we promised the girls they could go down and true to their word, they went down the slide! And that water was FREEZING! Everyone went down the slide except for me and Dad. We enjoyed the warmth of our clothing! Shannon wanted to go down so badly! So Derek took her down, but she jumped into his lap which he wasn't ready for and they went right down into the water! Derek didn't have a chance to prepare himself so he could keep Shannon's head up out of the water, so she got a nice brain freeze and couldn't help but cry! I was impressed that she even wanted to go because, like I said, that was cold water!
Before her dunk!


We had a little trouble getting back to the car without some protests from the girls, but overall it was a good hike! And thankfully Mom kept Lauren back at the apartment. Neither one of them would have enjoyed this hike!

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