Thursday, September 25, 2008

Busy day

Derek had his surgery on Tuesday and all went well as far as I can tell. I didn't get to talk to the surgeon because I was at home asleep because I didn't sleep well the night before and I had to take Lauren to Primary Children's for a renal ultrasound. I didn't want to run off the road so while Derek was in surgery I went home until I got a call that he was in recovery. Luckily, Mom was able to come down to help me with my crazy schedule. I got Derek home around 12:15pm, got his perscriptions, and headed out to get to Lauren's appointment at 1:30pm. To add insult to injury, I sat in the waiting room with Lauren for almost an hour because they didn't get her name back to radiology until I mentioned we had been waiting for a while and everyone that came after us had gone in already. Not happy! But Lauren did great! She played with a toy while they looked at her kidney and bladder with U/S and then we did her VCUG. I was expecting her to scream bloody murder (because that's what Erin did as an infant when she had hers done), but we gave her a sucker and she forget everyone and everything around her! She went to town! They put her cath in and strapped her legs together and she seemed completely unaware, until her bladder was so full she was in pain. They waited a while for her to urinate into the cath, but she would only do spurts. We were still able to see that she has reflux into the right kidney (so now I have to take her to a urologist). After waiting so long they finally took out the cath and untied her legs. As soon as her legs were free she "assumed the position" lifted her legs and let 'er rip! When she was done she put her legs down, feeling much better! She was such a good girl! It was a busy day! Luckily I got my apple sauce canned the day before because I have no time now!


Unknown said...

oh. Poor Lauren. I'm glad to here that things are turning out alright. I'll call you later this week to get updates.


Amy said...

I'm sorry, Katie! That does not sound like fun! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help!

Anna said...

Oh so sad for Lauren. What a rotten thing to have to do when you are so little and can't fully understand what's going on. Hope things are improving at Kobe General Hospital!

Anna said...

wow katie, you are super mom/wife! you are often in my thoughts and prayers.