Friday, February 24, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Valentines day
Cutest boy ever!
more updates....that's all I do!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wow, time has gotten away from me, but I hope to catch up on some posts. Hopefully people haven't given up on me completely! Anywho, Derek and I went to Costa Rica last month, and as always I don't have my good pictures, or really any pictures of the trip. But Derek and I did go on a river tour to see ,obviously, crocodiles! We were on the boat for this picture and you can see how close we were because the edge of the boat is just in the corner of this picture! I was not zooming in! Crazy Costa Ricans! But very nice people!
Everyone but Erin finished soccer season in October. Erin continues to play indoor soccer until the end of this month. I've enjoyed watching them play so much that I signed up for my own indoor soccer games! Who says the kids get to have all the fun! But man, what was I thinking? It's been over 15 years since I played on a team and I was sucking wind the first 10- 15 minutes of my first game! Then I remembered how to play smarter, and was able to finish out the game without colapsing on the fake grass!
Saturday, June 4, 2011